Military Retreat Song - Click here to play a WAV version of this bug call provided by the Frederick Military Academy Alumni Association.

Click here to play an MP3 version of this bug call by the US Civilian Army and the Bug Corps.

Military Retreat Song

Military Retreat Song

To download and save these files to your computer, right click on the links. Please do not redistribute the files.

Zhao Jiaming (1229 1279): The Last Defender Of The Song Dynasty

The song makes all the bug sounds listed in question no.

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Materials found at the U.S. Scouting Service, Inc. The Sites may be reproduced and used locally by Scout volunteers for educational purposes under the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), or other Scouting and Guiding organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic distribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the US. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA or WOSM and does not speak for BSA or WOSM. The opinions expressed on these websites are the opinions of the website authors. There are two ways to support this website: visit our business directory at or make a donation by clicking the button below. This bug call is played in the military at the end of the day. It summarizes the day because it contains several sentences from different calls that indicate different events that happened during the day. Because this piece marks "closure," it is also played at military and other funerals, as is another short piece used at the end of the day called Taps. Various calls can be used to mark the start of the day, including The First Post, Rouse, or various variations of Reveille (eg Charlie Reveille, Reveille (UK) and Reveille (US)). See the links on the left to download sheet music or audio files. More bug calls are listed in our article on the history and cultural impact of bug calls

The audio controls below allow you to play an mp3 version of The Last Message (bug call) or download an MP3 file. You can also download the midi version of The Last Post (bugle call) or edit/play the midi file.

Military Music Of The Civil War

The image below is the first page of the sheet music, and you can download the full sheet music for The Last Post (bugle call) in PDF format here.

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